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  1. Are all data in SeaSketch public or can some be made private to certain users?

  2. Configuring Data Layer Popups

  3. Customizing Email Notifications Settings

  4. Email Notification Feature Management

  5. How can I create a new SeaSketch project?

  6. How can I download a plan (shapefile) from a forum?

  7. How can I download a plan (shapefile) that I have drawn?

  8. How can I edit a plan (sketch)?

  9. How can I measure distances, areas or coordinates?

  10. How can I search for a known location?

  11. How can I search for map layers?

  12. How do I add data sources to my project?

  13. How do I change my profile picture?

  14. How do I change the layer display order?

  15. How do I create a forum and manage access?

  16. How do I create a map bookmark?

  17. How do I create new Plan Elements (i.e., Sketch Classes)?

  18. How do I draw a plan?

  19. How do I evaluate (analyze) a plan?

  20. How do I organize my layer tree?

  21. How do I repair Map Bookmarks?

  22. How do I reset my password?

  23. How do I securely add layers to a SeaSketch project for select user groups?

  24. How do I share plans from my account in the forum?

  25. How may I upload a shapefile to SeaSketch?

  26. I see a red icon next to a data layer. What does that mean?

  27. Intro the the My Plans Tab

  28. Intro to SeaSketch Basics

  29. Intro to the Data Layers Tab

  30. Intro to the Map Viewer

  31. Intro to the Participate Tab

  32. Is there a brochure or printed document with information on SeaSketch?

  33. Is there a SeaSketch 101 video for administrators?

  34. Is there a SeaSketch 101 video?

  35. Preparing Projects for HTTPS

  36. Publishing a Shapefile using ArcGIS Online

  37. Simple Map Mode

  38. Snapping

  39. Symbolize a Sketch by an Attribute

  40. Unsubscribe from Email Notifications

  41. Uploading Shapefiles with Z or M values

  42. Using Dropbox files in your SeaSketch Project

  43. Using map services in ArcGIS Desktop

  44. What browser version am I using?

  45. What Browsers and Operating Systems Does Seasketch Support?

  46. What data service types can SeaSketch use?

  47. What options do I have for dealing with unruly users?

  48. What should I do if I see offensive content in the forum?

  49. Why are so many uninvited users listed in the admin dashboard?

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